Potteries Paddlers
Meeting of 12th January 2010
Apologies: Mike Fennell, Jeanette Scott
1. Treasurers Report.
Treasurer’s report £1173.89 less cheque for £206 for the Dart weekend.
2. Past events
Ant, Scott, Kev and Gary have been to Langollen last weekend. They slid over to the eddy to get onto the river and Gaz promptly swam and he says the water wasn’t that bad! There was sledging down to the car park for a bit of extra fun plus the pipes in the café had frozen so they were thrown out. Gaz has recorded the adventures but he had the camera at the wrong angle so it’s a bit difficult to watch!.
The last pool session was cancelled. The pool session for this weekend is pretty full but give Vicky a ring if you’re interested. Its 4-6pm.
3. Equipment
The Burn has turned up, Caron has it.
4. Future Events
Place / Type
22nd-24th Jan
Dart trip
Colin Hirst
Feb ‘10
Lakes/Brecon in a bunkhouse
Dave Coare
Martin Rickard (Shetland LCO) is running guided expeditions of the east coast of Greenland. Anyone interested can go to www.seakayakadventures.co.uk.
The BBC Learning Project DropZone wants to know if the club want to put something together with have a go sessions at Rudyard. There is more information on the website.
ProAdventure are running a level 1 and level 2 UKCC coaching courses in January and February at a cost of £250. Contact Richard Witheridge on 01978 861912 or email Richard@proadventure.co.uk
There are also some BCU organised courses which Mike has emailed to everyone already.
Does anyone want to be involved in the EA Recreational Water Usage Workshops in the Midlands. More information is available on www.brighton.ac.uk/waterrecreation
Alpbase.com can offer accommodation and support for paddlers in the Durance Valley. Mike will be putting more information onto the website.
5. AOB
Jeanette is still looking into another grant application.
Please note that the next meeting is the AGM, so a good turnout would be much appreciated, barring bad weather, incidents and accidents. Tuesday 2nd of February. Mike will be sending out to everyone the nomination form and a membership form, with no prices on it. The new prices will be set at the end of the meeting.