Potteries Paddlers
AGM 2.2.10
Apologies: Jeanette Scott, Mike Fennell, Geraint Davies
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Secretary’s report
- Nominations
- Club Membership
Chair’s report: To follow
Treasurers report
The current balance is £997, report to follow
Secretaries Report: To follow
Nominations for 2010
Nominated for Chair - Anthony Robinson
Nominated by Brian Beech
Seconded by Adele Webberley
Nominated for Secretary – Karen Seeley
Nominated by Brian Beech
Seconded by Anthony Robinson
Nominated for Treasurer – Chris Nixon
Nominated by Karen Seeley
Seconded by Dave Coare
Nominated for Equipment Officer – Brian Beech
Nominated by Gordon Forster
Seconded by Vicky Roberts
Nominated for Web Site – Mike Fennell
Nominated by Gordon Forster
Seconded by Gary Pattison
Nominated for Open Rep – Not for 2010
Nominated for Kayak Rep – Not for 2010
Nominated for Child Protection Officer – Gary Pattison
Nominated by Vicky Roberts
Seconded by Kevin Walker
The club has agreed to have “floating” committee members who will be seconded in when required.
The following people are seconded-
Adele Webberley
Vicky Roberts
Dave Coare
Gordon Forster
Colin Hirst
Club Membership
In 2009 the membership was £18 single and £27 family. It was suggested, and agreed, to leave the membership the same as last year.
There was a discussion regarding paying a deposit for kit when its taken plus having a time limit which will be agreed at the time it is taken, for it to be returned. If anyone has any ideas please email them to Karen and she will put them forward at the next meeting.
Past Events
The Dart
Kate has done very little paddling but she did bring excellent cake. She was up for all runs and had a couple of swims. She cleared triple drop but Geraint and Kev swam. She did really well and as new members brought a new spark to the club. Not to mention the cake.
Lots of people did the loop above once and Colin, Matt, Richard and Ant did the upper on Sunday. Ant swam and lost his shoe, plus punctured his dry suit because he lost his shoe – he was gutted because he had to order them from America because of his big feet!
Colin paddled the loop with someone who was extremely fit. He ended up walking from Holne Bridge to Newbridge, at which point he wasn’t impressed!
Gordon and Vicky have been to Llangollen but it was huge so they only stayed on for an hour.
Dave saw someone who paddled in Snowdon, in an inflatable, but he didn’t get far due to the ice that he had to keep breaking. Dave was very impressed with the kayak as it only weighs 2.5 kilos and fits into a rucksack, so Dave would be interested to know how much they cost.
Future events
Gordon is thinking of going to the Lune on the 13th or 14th of February.
Rose has booked a pool session at Kidsgrove on Sunday 14th of February 5-6pm Cost £7. Email Rose to book.
There is a group of people going to Llangollen on Saturday, 6th of February. Meet on site at 10am, for what sounds like a slap up breakfast to start with then some paddling for the not so faint hearted!
There is a Swedish wilderness trip on if anyone if interested. It will probably be at the beginning of May. Anyone interested should contact http://www.songofthepaddle.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?17012-Sweden-2009-Svartalven&highlight=sweden
A general conversation took place regarding how good a job Mike has done on the website and people agreed that Karen should approach Mike to see if a forum section could be added to the website for people to see what is happening in future for people who are out and about paddling and to invite people to meet up and go paddling.
A new idea was put forward for the monthly meeting to change to a water based meeting place during the summer, such as Rudyard, on a particular evening to have a paddling session in the early evening followed by a meeting in an informal atmosphere. It was agreed in general and will be put out to all the members.
Dave has agreed to contact Trentham Canoe Club to renew the original plan of seeing if they would be interested in looking at having some form of interaction to widen the scope of the club in the future.
Ant was presented with a new T-shirt at the meeting following the major loss of one of his prized shoes at the Dart weekend. Gaz handed over a Tshirt with the logo
“The Upper Dart, Been there, Done it, Got the Tshirt, Lost the shoe!”
Date of next meeting – Tuesday 2nd March